Saturday, 14 February 2009

♥ ♥ Have a happy - 'green' valentines day ♥ ♥

A special day today - especially for retail who has been gearing up for weeks for the big cash-in of ... tataaa Valentines day!
I saw tons of stressed consumers grabbing whatever had a heart or love printed on it, rush for the flower stands or the chocolate isle... but hey, hey, hey ... STOP - do you think they are concerned about the environment at all on that mad dash? And what about you? Does your love go that step further and try to encompass the love for fair-trade goods, eco-friendly packaging for special occasions like Valentines??

Well here are a few sources to make your special occasions the 'greenest' they will ever be:

What I personally do to 'green' my Valentines is, make really funky handmade cards from recycled magazine pictures, rest paper and other crafty material lying round the house... Or design special gifts and ask friends to donate material they don't use anymore. It's great fun getting crafty!!

And if you are too late for eco-wooooing your Valentine, well there's always next year ...

So Happy Valentines day - oh and there's Easter & Mothersday coming up soon too - why not make them more eco-friendly :)?!

PS: just found an article of 'green' love from the Guardian if you want to explore more:

Nothing says I love you like a fluffy toy or silver foil balloon, but this Valentine's Day why not try to eschew the usual romantic trappings and look for a greener alternative?

Forest gumption
If your partner likes trees, they'll love a gift from the World Land Trust. It is offering a range of packages for suitors who want to buy their valentine a chunk of rainforest. If you're still not sure your current beau is "the one" just £25 will secure them a whole acre of rainforest, plus a certificate and regular newsletter. If you're more convinced of true love, £75 buys two acres, a plaque and a bar of Green and Black's chocolate. And if you're totally committed, £20,000 will buy him or her their very own reserve - plus a guided tour of the area, a plaque with their name on, a certificate and, yes, a bar of chocolate too. Okay, so £20,000 could buy you a lot of bling, but how many people can say they have a rainforest named after them?

Pining for you
Maybe a whole chunk of rainforest is a bit flash - how about something more understated and closer to home? Pine trees may not be the glamour players of the forestry world, but according to Trees for Life they have some "celebrity" fans, including Muriel Gray. If your partner is also a pine fan, the charity is offering the perfect gift - the chance to dedicate a Scots pine in the Caledonian forest for just £15. There are no glossy cards or chocolate with this one, it's just good honest pine.

I just crawled to say ...
Here's an idea for lovers of conservation - on a small scale. The World Museum Liverpool is offering people the chance to make a rom-ant-ic gesture while funding a new home for some creepy crawlies. For £5 you could name one of the museum's leaf-cutter ants after a loved one and tomorrow instead of pieces of leaf it will carry a romantic rose petal. As if that wasn't enough, you can send your partner an e-card showing the ants carrying flowers and enjoying each other's company at romantic destinations around the world, including Venice. Visit the World Museum Liverpool website for more details.

Roses aren't green
At this time of year, most flowers - including red roses - are shipped or flown to the UK from overseas, making them a gift with few green credentials. A more environmentally friendly alternative would be to buy flowers grown locally, either by visiting a producer directly or a farmer's market. You can find local suppliers on the Big Barn website. Alternatively, you could cut the carbon footprint of your bouquet further by sending a virtual version. Virtual FlowersCanada Flowers has some really striking bunches of roses. Who would have thought that not buying flowers could transform the romance-criminal in an eco-hero? Just remember to send the email.
has a good selection, from the traditional dozen roses to jauntier sunflowers and irises.

Green beans
As a gift, you can't really go wrong with chocolate, but if you want to be green you may need to go out of your way to find the right stuff. Ethical Consumer magazine's ratings of the greenest and most ethically sound chocolate bars on the market puts the brand names usually found in the local newsagent or garage at the bottom of the pile. Far better than a bar of Cadbury's Dairy Milk or Mars's Galaxy are slabs of chocolate from Plamil, Malagasy and Divine, it says.

You've dung it now
A box of elephant dung heart-shaped paper isn't just for Valentine's Day - which is just as well because you've left it too late to get this gift delivered in time for tomorrow. However, order now and it could be with you by the end of the week - and who could say it wouldn't be worth the wait. As well as reminding your valentine of your love every time he or she takes a phone message, the stationery set allows farmers in Sri Lanka to earn money from what would otherwise be waste and encourages them to protect the elephants they live beside.

Say it with flower essence
Valentine's Day is traditionally an opportunity to make your partner smell better, and being green shouldn't deter you from your mission. Neal's Yard's ranges of toiletries for men and women are made from mostly organic ingredients in an eco-factory in Dorset. Alongside rose-scented shower gels and moisturisers, the company is also suggesting its Bush Flower Essence for a loved one. It apparently, "Enhances the quality of your relationships. Helps you express your feelings," and with brandy the first ingredient listed, who could doubt that? Find your nearest store or stockist, online.

Offset for love
The debate over carbon offsetting goes on, but if you subscribe to the idea that it's better to reduce emissions somewhere in the world than not at all, you may be interested in the Carbon Neutral Company's valentine green box. The box, which costs £12.50, offers the recipient a month of carbon neutral driving - that's 325kg of carbon emissions reduced by investment in a community project in Jamaica. It also includes a heart shaped key fob made of recycled leather and four mini Green and Black's chocolates. You could be even greener if you opted for the Carbon Neutral driving pack which offers a certificate, which can be sent by email, as well as offsets. Persuading your other half not to drive for a month would be greener still - but possibly not conducive to a happy Valentine's Day.

Nothing says lovin' like ...
If you've got time to get to the shops to pick up some ingredients, a homemade cake could be a good, green way to say "I love you". There's no packaging, you can make sure the ingredients are bought locally, where possible, and - barring any kitchen disasters - there's unlikely to be any waste. If you need inspiration, try our recipe from Gaia's Kitchen by Julia Ponsonby.

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