Monday, 9 February 2009

1-on-1 with sustainability ...

For many years now I sincerely 'walk-my-talk' in regards to running my own business as sustainable and eco-friendly as possible. Here is a list of things I integrated, which might also give you inspiration on what steps to take:

- I operate a paperless office policy where possible

- Paper resources, if needed, are 100% recycled or from sustainable forests

- Other resources, where possible, are from recycled materials or fair-trade, that also goes for my coffee, juice, teas n' biscuits :)

- Post & courier services are kept to a minimum, I use an online FTP service for large file/media transfer, get on my bike or bus to deliver by hand if it's local business post

- My website is hosted by a "Green-Internet Service Provider" and runs purely on solar-energy

- I use public transport wherever possible

- All bulbs are energy efficient

- Waste is re-cycled meticulously: tin, plastic, paper, industry, organic, e-waste etc.

- Printer cartridges are refillable ones or low toxic

- Batteries are rechargeable (I have a solar charger also for my mobile phone & digi-cam)

- Stationary is mostly of recycled material -if not made by me from recycled components

- I work mainly from my home-office, this keeps clients overheads & carbon emissions down

- I reuse newspapers, cards, magazines etc. in a creative way and run 'eco-arts &craft work-shops' - great to de-stress and do something good for the environment having fun

- Most books needed are sourced 2nd hand or from libraries

- Things which I don't need any longer go to charity

Would be interested to hear your feedback on how you cope with the new demands on going green and sustainable... so don't be shy!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent stuff here Iris - a good bluprint for a more "eco" life. I definately need to try harder....
